COVID-19 Special Conditions

All users of the hall are expected to act responsibly and take notice of Government and Public Health England advice which includes who is and isn’t allowed to be in public spaces and keep up to date with the ongoing situation. Details can be found on the Covid 19 website.

Under the new guidelines announced and tightening of restrictions that were announced on 9th December 2021 it is mandatory to wear a face  covering that covers the nose and mouth when entering and using the village hall you unless you are exempt or have a genuine reason to remove it. You may remove face coverings during your activity if it negatively affects participation.

As the hirer we ask you :-

  • To advise attendees that face coverings are to be worn when entering, moving around communal areas and when leaving the building.

  • To open windows and doors to ventilate where possible. Please remember to close and lock afterwards.

  • To advise attendees that they should not attend if they are feeling unwell. If either yourself or any of those
    attending your class are ill, they should not attend the hall.

  • To encourage everyone to use the hand sanitiser on arrival and to wash their hands thoroughly after
    touching any surface.

  • To ensure all rubbish generated during your session, including paper towels, is put in a plastic bag and taken
    home for disposal.

  • To thoroughly wipe down using antiseptic wipes/spray all surfaces:- taps, loos, chairs, tables ,equipment,
    access key pad and key, etc. during and especially after the session. Additional time has been allowed between sessions for this.

  • To discourage gatherings outside prior to and after the session so that the entrance is clear for the next session.

  • If using the kitchen, all surfaces, taps, appliances, handles etc. must be cleaned thoroughly using antiseptic spray or wipes. Utensils and crockery must be thoroughly washed in hot soapy water.

  • To only access the hall during your booked time.

Seale Village Hall Committee would like to thank you for your cooperation in these unusual times.

Our main concern is that all our hirers and their visitors remain safe and well.