Seale Village Hall (SVH)
What data our organisation keeps and why it keeps this data.
SVH does not hold any personal data on any individual.
Contact details comprising name and email address are kept solely for the purpose of communication with individuals in connection with SVH business.
SVH does not hold any financial data on any individual. Bank details provided by an individual for the purpose of making a payment are used solely for that purpose and are not stored.
No data is automatically stored from SVH website enquiries.
No ‘special category’ data is requested, stored or used by SVH.
Who in the organisation is responsible for processing the data?
SVH does not process any data.
Key precautions to keep data protected.
Contact details are kept on a password protected computer which itself is protected by proprietary protection software.
Contact details may be backed up to a cloud based secure location.
How the organisation ensures data is kept accurate and when data will be deleted.
Contact details are updated when changes are advised by an individual.
Contact details are kept for as long as that individual requires to be in communication with SVH, after which these details are deleted.
Can an individual ask to see their data held by SVH?
Yes. A Subject Access Request should be made to the Management Committee Chairman, Mark Stinson.
Under what circumstances the organisation discloses data, and to whom.
Under no circumstances is any data disclosed to any third party or organisation.
Certain personal details of Trustees of SVH are held by the Charity Commission.
How our organisation keeps individuals informed about data it holds.
Any changes to this Data Protection Policy will be communicated via the SVH website.
Who is responsible for reporting any breaches to the ICO and Charity Commission.
SVH Management Committee Chairman, Mark Stinson.
Ref: Data Protection Policy 2018_June_v1.0